Bion Blog

A technical blog about Kubernetes, Kubernetes Security, DevSecOps, AWS, AWS Security and DevOps.

Monitoring and Gathering Metrics from Kubernetes Audit Logs

Log files, streams and messages provide lots of information about what's going on at runtime. Since...

Tag Enforcement in AWS - Part 2

In this blog post, we will continue to explain how to go beyond good intentions with your tagging...

Using KEDA to trigger HPA with Prometheus Metrics

This blog post will explain the external metric providers for Kubernetes, which allows us to...

Tag Enforcement in AWS - Part 1

The motivation of the Blog Post; In AWS, tagging is an essential part of cost visibility and...

Securing Kubernetes Workloads Using Anchore Engine

Everyone wants to implement a secure system, but it’s a never-ending job. Day after day, new...

Amazon EKS: IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

In Kubernetes, Role-Based Access Control is a key method for making your cluster secure. If you are...

Kubernetes Network Policies - Part 2

In this blog post, we will continue to explain how network policies work and show how they can...

Kubernetes Security - CIS Benchmarks - Part 2

This is the second part of the CIS Benchmarks blog post series. If you are new to CIS Benchmarks,...

Kubernetes Security - CIS Benchmarks - Part 1

Kubernetes clusters can be very secure, but the default configuration is not safe at all. You have...

Kubernetes Network Policies - Part 1

Kubernetes is not secure out of the box, and we can apply additional configurations to achieve a...